Investigator User Guide

Step through these documentation topics to learn about the Corelight Investigator features and functionality.

Investigator Overview

Get to know the core concepts and definitions behind Corelight Investigator.


Quickstart guide

Connect your sensors to Investigator and log in for the first time.

Get started

Security overview

Learn about the Investigator landing page and how it provides a high-level summary of what’s going on in your network.

Security overview

Alerts & Detections

Explore and manage alerts and detections.

Alerts and detections overview


See how dashboards can help you monitor events and explore data.


Log search

Jump in to the deep end and see what you can do with searchable access to the data ingested from logs.

Log search

Account settings

Learn how to change your password, reset 2FA, and update your alias.

Account settings

System settings

Learn how an admin user can manage users, manage sensors, and configure alert exports.

System settings
